FEMS EUROMAT 2021 going strong on day 4

Day four of EUROMAT 2021 had a great start with the plenary talk of Josef Fugger from Infineon Technologies Austria AG speaking on the 'Increasing relevance of materials science for the power semiconductor industry.'
The plenary talk was introduced by FEMS EUROMAT 2021, Christof Sommitsch, Conference Chair.
Afterwards the audience split into the many parallel scientific sessions in various ongoing and newly started thematic symposia. For instance, for Area A -Functional Materials the focus shifted from 2D materials, synthesis and characterisation of functional materials and materials for catalysis to nanowires, photonic and quantum materials, and multi-functional materials. Many excellent contributions were presented in this area and all other areas of FEMS EUROMAT 2021. Many thanks to all symposia organisers in FEMS EUROMAT 2021 for bringing together such an excellent programme across so many fields.
Many great interactions and feedback ensued in response to presentations via the online video and chat options and were efficiently handled by the many session chairs, whom we thank for their key contributions to EUROMAT 2021 again! Fruitful interactions between participants continued also after the talks via the multiple online meeting and communication options on the conference platform.
The many poster contributions that have been highlighted in the two poster sessions on Monday and Wednesday can still be viewed online (including video introductions) and poster authors can still be contacted for in-depth discussion.
In the afternoon of day four the parallel sessions continued further covering the large EUROMAT thematic landscape.
We thank all delegates for their active participation in FEMS EUROMAT 2021 and are looking forward to the final action-packed tomorrow.
The event’s highlights can be monitored on the FEMS Twitter page at https://twitter.com/FEMS_EU. If you twitter yourself about EUROMAT 2021 please consider using the conference’s hashtag #EUROMAT2021.
Bernhard C Bayer, EUROMAT 2021 Scientific Committee member and area leader Area A – Functional Materials