FEMS EUROMAT 2023 Plenary Speakers - Professor Philip Withers

In the run up to FEMS EUROMAT 2023 meet the distinguished scientist adn researchers who will be delivering plenary lectures.
Seeing is believing: Correlative time resolved electron and x-ray imaging of materials behaviour
Professor Philip J Withers - Regious Professor of Materials, The University of Manchester | Chief Scientist, Henry Royce Institute
What are you most looking forward to for FEMS EUROMAT 2023
Since my first FEMS EUROMAT (Cambridge 1991) I have always really enjoyed the chance for those passionate about materials science across Europe and beyond to get together to share ideas and get inspired by what others are up to.
How important are conferences of this size in materials science & technology
FEMS EUROMAT is one of the biggest meetings for materials scientists in Europe. This means you can get a very broad overview about what is going on and dip into sessions to get a taster on topics that you wouldn’t otherwise get a chance to hear about outside your main area of interest. The Plenary sessions in particular are often aimed at the wider community and so appropriate for novices and experts alike.
What would you say to those thinking of attending the conference (physically or virtually) in September.
I would say that if you can come along, come to FEMS EUROMAT in person because the interaction is so much more fulfilling, especially after a time of COVID, physical meetings can really revitalise the mind and get the intellectual juices flowing. Also lots of things are shared outside of the formal sessions in the corridors and restaurants. I remember coming along as a new lecturer and having a chance to talk with experts I would otherwise not get a chance to bounce ideas off. However if you just cant get along in person then the virtual attendance at least means you can hear the lectures.
FEMS EUROMAT 2023 will take place in Frankfurt (3-7 September). Online access tickets also available.