FEMS EUROMAT 2023 Plenary Speakers - Professor Rodrigo Martins

In the run up to FEMS EUROMAT 2023 meet the distinguished scientista dn researchers who will be delivering plenary lectures.
Materials challenges for the next challenges: A sustainable electronics beyond silicon
Professor Rodrigo Martins - Director, CEMOP/UNINOVA | President, European Academy of Sciences (EurASc) | President, International Union of Materials Research Society (IUMRS)
What are you most looking forward to for FEMS EUROMAT 2023
See what has been done so far as material are concerned, in this typical house where materials are the key point for innovation and creation. Namely, I want to see how this will impact on science technology and education. No materials, no party of science and technology!
How important are conferences of this size in materials science & technology
Excellent, once brings technology and science all together, besides being a key area to meet the young talents that will drive our future.
What would you say to those thinking of attending the conference (physically or virtually) in September
Come, enjoy and have fun! Science is this! And is there!
FEMS EUROMAT 2023 will take place in Frankfurt (3-7 September). Online access tickets also available.