ICMFF12 : Early bird registration extended to April 15th, 2019

12th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and FractureThe preliminary programme is now online with 4 parallel sessions There will be around 130 oral presentations and 20 posters. An optional touristic tour in Arcachon Bay is possible Wednesday afternoon (60€). We strongly recommend you to book your accommodation as soon as possible. Indeed Bordeaux is visited by many tourists in June, consequently it will be more and more difficult to find a room close to the conference if you wait too long. A list of hotels is available on the conference website (click on the menu “How to reach us”) We remind you that the aim of this conference is to share the latest developments in multiaxial fatigue and / or fracture by scientists and engineers from all over the world. All the types of materials and structures are concerned including metallic alloys, composite, wood, concrete, rubber, polymers, etc. New researches as well as applications in industry are of interest. This conference is a good opportunity for experimentalists, theoreticians, industrial practitioners and academic experts to discuss current progress and build a bridge between their areas of expertise. After Seville in 2016, this is the 12th conference in a series of successful conferences dedicated to this topic held every three years. Papers on experimental set-ups, materials behaviour both modelling and characterisation, loadings, analytical models, numerical models, fatigue, fracture, theoretical models, applications ... are all welcome.
We are looking forward to welcoming you next June. |
The ICMFF12 chairmen Thierry PALIN-LUC, Franck MOREL, Andrea CARPINTERI |