SPM Board 2019-2021

SPM – Portuguese Society of Materials has a new Board for 2019-2021 (full composition below), elected at the General Assembly of 11th July.
The new President of SPM is Professor Jorge Lino (falves@fe.up.pt), of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Porto and former Vice-President of SPM.
The new Vice-President is Professor Sandra Carvalho (sandra.carvalho@fisica.uminho.pt) of the Department of Physics of the University of Minho and former member of the board.
Manuela Oliveira(manuela.oliveira2@gmail.com) continues as the General Secretary until 2021, but now with the help of Joana Sousa (j.m.p.c.sousa84@gmail.com), contracted by SPM to work with the Secretariat, web-site and social networks, the Newsletter and SPM’s journal Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais.
Paula Vilarinho, former President, continues with SPM`s board and is leading the Dissemination and Communication Committee, recently created to enhance SPM`s visibility and attract new members, mainly companies working in materials engineering.
SPM will keep the best collaboration with FEMS and hopes to contribute to renewed and stronger linkages between Portugal and the international community of materials.
SPM Board:
President: Jorge Lino (University of Porto)
Vice-President: Sandra Carvalho (University of Minho)
General Secretary: Manuela Oliveira (former LNEG, retired)
Member: Luís Pereira (Nova University of Lisbon)
Member: Jorge Coelho (University of Coimbra)
Alternate Member: Paula Vilarinho (University of Aveiro)
Alternate Member: Sónia Simões (University of Porto)