
The second Scientific Olympiad, organized by SOCIEMAT and CENIM will take place on April the 4th, 2019, in the framework of the activities of the IV Festival of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Under the motto "Route from the Macroworld to the Nanoworld", the students will discover the most amazing micro and nano structures in the natural world.... Read more

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Ruhr-Universität Bochum will be awarding a W1 Junior-Professorship in Materials Informatics and Data Sciences at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS). Pending a positive tenure evaluation, the successful candidate will be subsequently be appointed to a permanent position as professor (W2).

The Ruhr Universität Bochum (RUB) is one of the leading research universities in Germany. As a reform-oriented campus university, it houses the full spectrum of expertise in the main branches of science and research under one roof. Working in an environment that promotes a dynamic exchange between individual academic disciplines and their cultures, researchers and students alike benefit from the opportunities of interdisciplinary collaboration Read more

Robert Singer

FEMS is very sad to announce the sudden death of Robert Singer, former FEMS President (2006-2007) and Honorary FEMS member

FEMS joins the DGM (German Materials Society) in mourning the loss of a very eminent and successful scientist and highly esteemed colleague and will honour his memory.

Read the full DGM Obituary. Read more

ECASIA banner

The 18th ECASIA will be held from 15th to 20th September 2019 in Dresden, Germany - also called the “Florence of the North”.

The ECASIA’19 conference will be organized in Dresden initiated by the Institute of Solid State and Materials Research (IFW Dresden) in cooperation with the Technical University Dresden (TUD) and other academic and industrial partners of the region. We hope to continue the conference series in the “spirit of ECASIA” to bring together scientists from universities, industry and instrument suppliers, to bridge the gap between fundamental and applied research in... Read more


Abstract submission EUROMAT2019 deadline extended to 5th April 2019

We invite you to submit your abstract(s) to the 16th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT19), to be held in Stockholm, 1-5 September 2019 Read more


The Materiais2019 organizing committee invites all interested individuals to submit scientific abstracts (in English) through the submissions system:
... Read more


FEMS welcomes Prof Rodrigo Moreno (SOCIEMAT, Spain), pictured left, who was elected to join the Executive Committee as a new executive officer for the term 2019-2020.

Professors Csaba Balazsi (MAE), Aldo Boccaccini (DGM), and Dr Bernie Rickinson (IOM3) were also re-elected on the FEMS Executive Committee for further terms. FEMS also wishes to warmly thank Albano Cavaleiro (SPM) for his sustained contributions as Executive Committee Officer for the period 2015-2018.

Executive Committee elections for the term... Read more

Following the Materials Day celebrations that take place each first Wednesday in November, Mondragon University, together with SOCIEMAT (Spanish Materials Society) and EIT Raw Materials, organized this workshop. The event aimed to gain a broad overview of material trends in the mobility sector, including criticality of resources, light materials processing and recycling. The target public was academia, including students in scientific and... Read more

For the “WORLD MATERIALS DAY 2018” under the umbrella of FEMS, The French materials society, SF2M, is glad to announce the launch of its Young group « Jeunes SF2M » !!! Read more
